Wednesday, 19 November 2014

Film Noir Photoshoot

We were assigned to create a Film Noir style photo-shoot based on a children's film. We chose to do Harry Potter but unfortunately it turned into a normal Film Noir shoot. After taking the photos using proper studio lighting and also natural outdoor lighting, Me and Aidan got working on the editing process. Here are the finished products:

1. I tried to give the illusion that Aidan that was going into the wall so I darkened the entire picture so his jacket merged with the wall. I then photoshopped a cigarette into his hands as we posed his hands to look like he was.
2. Using studio lighting we managed to create a good shot with lots of shadows but the lighting brought it out enough to be able to tell what it is. I then cut the background out and replaced it with a scenic city background.
3. This is my favourite edit because the angle at which it was taken gives the subject a sense of power over the viewer as it simulates the viewer as the person who's about to be shot. Also I made the background of the shot look very cartoon like. I made it very obscure by using Photoshop to make it look like he has chunks flying off of him. This highlights the fact that he is like a shadow, very mysterious.

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