Tuesday, 12 August 2014

8th Favourite Film - Transformers: Age of Extinction

I only went to see Transformers a couple of weeks ago in the cinema and I can safely say it was the best purchase in a cinema I've ever made. I was quite sceptical about the daughter character of Mark Wahlberg at the beginning of the film but then I thought "You don't go to see a Transformers film for the humans, you go for the big mechanical hunk of awesomeness!" and that's exactly what they were in this film. In the first and second ones they were saying things so cliché and cringy but this film shows their more humorous side, with lots of sarcastic lines and catchphrases. Also, GIANT FREAKING DINOSAUR TRANSFORMERS!!!! They are as awesome as everyone goes on about. It makes sense that they are dinosaurs as they came to earth when dinosaurs roamed the Earth. I'm really glad they got rid of Shia LaBeouf for this movie as he was starting to get old, but all in all Its a great movie.

1 comment:

  1. a well laid out blog structure - we have similar tastes in movies
