Sunday, 19 April 2015


Here's the link to my website:

Here's the final edit of our OTS: 

Here's our Continuity task:

Friday, 6 February 2015

Making The Music Sound Track - Editing (DRAFT)

In the editing process of the music, it started off quite difficult as I had no previous experience but I got the hang of it quite quickly by just exploring the program. I started by creating a Loop Project which meant that I had a

vast library of loops from a range of instruments.
As the genre for the OTS was Film Noir I thought that the Piano would be a good instrument to start off with but to make it have that jazz feel I added a drum kit loop to keep the music moving forward. After this I added more texture to the piece by
having another piano layer and a bass guitar.

As the OTS got more and more intense as it went on I felt like it needed more than just piano, drums and bass. I added two string layers. Both were playing the same loop but I wanted to have half panned to the left and the other half panned to the right. So I cut one loop in half and put the two halfs in different layers.

To increase the tension, I increased the pitch on the strings, bass and piano. I did this by going into the settings for that layer and increasing the pitch slider. I increased it at regular intervals building tension up more and more.
When I felt that the tension had increased enough, I added a big warp effect to end the tension and bring in the actual film. After this being shown a couple of times to the class they commented on the fact that it wasn't in time.

Wednesday, 4 February 2015

Making The Music Sound Track - Syncing

Aidan created a timeline on Google Docs with times of important actions highlighted in bold. I used this to sync up the music very precisely, to the millisecond. Before then we were visually watching the movie while playing the music at the same time to try and sync it up. This was obviously very inaccurate which is why we resorted to using the timeline. 
The whole gang using the visual method of syncing.

  • 0:00:00 - OTS begins
  • 0:08:21 - Adam sits down
  • 0:12:11 - cross dissolve to second shot begins
  • 0:14:04 - Cross dissolve to second shot ends
  • 0:15:15 - cross dissolve to third shot begins
  • 0:16:15 - cross dissolve to third shot ends
  • 0:17:24 - cigarette is placed in ash tray
  • 0:19:06 - cross dissolve to fourth shot begins
  • 0:19:22 - cross dissolve to fourth shot ends
  • 0:23:22 - cross dissolve to fifth shot begins
  • 0:24:09 - cross dissolve to fifth shot ends
  • 0:25:10 - cross dissolve to sixth shot begins
  • 0:26:07 - cross dissolve to sixth shot ends
  • 0:30:01 - cross dissolve to seventh shot begins
  • 0:31:01 - cross dissolve to seventh shot ends
  • 0:33:24 - cross dissolve to eighth shot begins
  • 0:34:14 - cross dissolve to eighth shot ends
  • 0:34:24 - cross dissolve to ninth shot begins
  • 0:36:06 - cross dissolve to tenth shot ends
  • 0:38:04 - cross dissolve to eleventh shot begins
  • 0:38:13 - cross dissolve to eleventh shot ends
  • 0:38:24 - folder blocks screen
  • 0:40:01 - twelfth shot
  • 0:40:05 - blue tac ripped
  • 0:40:18 - thirteenth shot
  • 0:42:16 - cross dissolve to fourteenth shot begins
  • 0:44:04 - cross dissolve to fourteenth shot ends
  • 0:46:06 - fifteenth shot
  • 0:46:12 - first flash in fifteenth shot
  • 0:46:23 - second flash in fifteenth shot
  • 0:47:07 - third flash in fifteenth shot
  • 0:49:17 - cross dissolve to sixteenth shot begins
  • 0:50:11 - cross dissolve to sixteenth shot ends
  • 0:52:13 - cross dissolve to seventeenth shot begins
  • 0:53:07 - cross dissolve to seventeenth shot ends
  • 0:57:02 - eighteenth shot
  • 1:00:05 - nineteenth shot
  • 1:02:16 - twentieth shot
  • 1:03:18 - twenty-first shot
  • 1:04:09 - sticky note placed on board
  • 1:04:16 - twenty-second shot
  • 1:05:01 - picture placed on board
  • 1:05:21 - cross dissolve to twenty-third shot begins
  • 1:06:17 - cross dissolve to twenty-third shot ends
  • 1:10:03 - cross dissolve to twenty-fourth shot begins
  • 1:11:01 - cross dissolve to twenty-fourth shot ends
  • 1:11:10 - Adam stands off chair
  • 1:15:05 - twenty-fifth shot
  • 1:28:16 - flash dissolve to twenty-sixth shot
  • 1:29:03 - twenty sixth shot
  • 1:57:01 - OTS ends

This is the first timeline that Aidan made. After I synced it all up and I exported it and we got it into Final Cut Pro and added to our OTS. We then exported the film and showed it to the class for feedback, the video is here: Class Feedback
After the feedback, Aidan went to work and tried to address everything the class had talked about: making clips shorter and longer etc. The audio was then obviously out of sync so Aidan created a second timeline with updated times:

  • 0:00:00 - OTS begins
  • 0:02:03 - first credit
  • 0:06:04 - second credit
  • 0:11:09 - Adam sits down
  • 0:15:11 - cross dissolve to second shot begins
  • 0:16:04 - cross dissolve to second shot ends
  • 0:16:07 - third credit
  • 0:18:02 - cross dissolve to third shot begins
  • 0:19:02 - cross dissolve to third shot ends
  • 0:19:07 - fourth credit
  • 0:20:09 - cigarette is put on ash tray
  • 0:21:18 - cross dissolve to fourth shot begins
  • 0:22:09 - cross dissolve to fourth shot ends
  • 0:22:14 - fifth credit
  • 0:26:09 - cross dissolve to sixth shot begins
  • 0:26:21 - cross dissolve to sixth shot ends
  • 0:27:22 - cross dissolve to seventh shot begins
  • 0:28:19 - cross dissolve to seventh shot ends
  • 0:28:23 - sixth credit
  • 0:32:13 - cross dissolve to eighth shot begins
  • 0:33:13 - cross dissolve to eighth shot ends
  • 0:36:11 - cross dissolve to ninth shot begins
  • 0:37:01 - cross dissolve to ninth shot ends
  • 0:37:11 - cross dissolve to tenth shot begins
  • 0:38:18 - cross dissolve to tenth shot ends
  • 0:40:16 - cross dissolve to eleventh shot begins
  • 0:41:00 - cross dissolve to eleventh shot ends
  • 0:41:00 - seventh credit
  • 0:41:03 - folder covers screen
  • 0:43:02 - twelfth shot
  • 0:43:06 - Adam rips blu tac
  • 0:43:19 - thirteenth shot
  • 0:45:17 - cross dissolve to fourteenth shot begins
  • 0:47:05 - cross dissolve to fifteenth shot ends
  • 0:47:05 - eighth credit
  • 0:50:02 - sixteenth shot
  • 0:53:13 - cross dissolve to seventeenth shot begins
  • 0:54:07 - cross dissolve to seventeenth shot ends
  • 0:54:07 - ninth credit
  • 0:57:03 - tenth credit
  • 1:00:00 - cross dissolve to eighteenth shot begins
  • 1:00:08 - cross dissolve to eighteenth shot ends
  • 1:04:08 - nineteenth shot
  • 1:07:11 - twentieth shot
  • 1:07:11 - eleventh credit
  • 1:09:22 - twenty-first shot
  • 1:10:07 - adam places news clipping on board
  • 1:10:24 - twenty-second shot
  • 1:11:14 - adam places note on board
  • 1:11:22 - twenty-third shot
  • 1:12:07 - adam places picture on board
  • 1:13:02 - cross dissolve to twenty-fourth shot begins
  • 1:13:23 - cross dissolve to twenty-fourth shot ends
  • 1:14:01 - twelfth credit
  • 1:17:09 - cross dissolve to twenty-fifth shot begins
  • 1:18:07 - cross dissolve to twenty-fifth shot ends
  • 1:18:10 - thirteenth credit
  • 1:18:15 - adam sits up
  • 1:22:11 - twenty-sixth shot
  • 1:22:23 - fourteenth credit
  • 1:35:20 - flash to twenty-seventh shot
  • 1:37:04 - “Three weeks earlier” subtitle

The times highlighted in red are important times where the main actions happen. My job was to make the audio react to those actions for example if someone gets shot the music would turn very dramatic.

Thursday, 22 January 2015

Class Feedback

Because watching our OTS has the effect of bias of the work we've done we decided to show a rough cut to our class for audience feedback. Here is the feedback video:

Wednesday, 21 January 2015

Making The Music Sound Track - Introduction

We had many ideas when it came to the sound track of the OTS. One was to have a self-written, performed and recorded song, performed by some people at school. This felt like a good idea because I took Music GCSE and got an A* for one of my compositions and a B for the other, so I could write a piece for this OTS but we had constraints of time and of performer availability.
Another idea was to use royalty free music but we all felt that was cheating and we wouldn't be able to achieve the right sound for our OTS. We had to meet somewhere in the middle and seeing as we were using the macs in our Media Studies classroom to do research and just general work and editing, I thought of using Garage band. With that we could actually make a sound that we liked using loops of different instruments and it didn't feel like cheating too much because we actually created that music using samples.

Filming: Day Two

On Sunday 4th January we continued filming our Opening Title Sequence. All the set up was the same: The set, the camera, the layout of props. This day was for doing the shots involving the board. We got more items to go on our board since the first day and also we were going to use a cork board to make it have that traditional look but we didn't want it to look traditional so we modernised it by using the whiteboard that was already in the office and that way we could use marker pens instead of strings and pins which also gives it that modern feel. It's also very handy that Aidan's mum had a laminated map of Norfolk in the office: a) to give the audience a sense of location and where they are and b) we could draw on it with marker pens without ruining it.

Filming: Day One

We started filming on Saturday 3rd January at Aidan's Mum's Office. The set up for filming consisted Aidan's camera on a tripod with an external microphone attached. We also had my camera on site as a back up. In that day we filmed the first few scenes that didn't involve the board and map very much due to having insufficient props to make it look as realistic and full as we wanted. Using that type of camera (DSLR @ 1080p) meant that we could control the lighting of our shot much more than physically covering up windows and doors, which is also what we did. To make sure that we had a structure we constantly consulted our storyboard which we had on set. To see Aidan's Blog post about the story board, Click Here

Pre-Production: The Set

In a production log, Aidan directed our attention to his Flickr account. On said Flickr account were many pictures of his Mum's Workplace, an office.

These are pictures of two offices and we decided to only use his Mum's office which are pictures: 1, 2, 3 and 4. We chose this one as it looked like a more typical office.